Virtual Practice Administrator

Real-time data. Real-time results.

There are millions of reports you could pull from your EHR system. Most practices have a limited amount of time to pull EHR data and really take a hard look at how the practice is doing. Too often you’re blindly throwing a dart, hoping you’ll hit the report that will benefit your practice most.

That’s where AXIA Physician Solutions’ proprietary Virtual Practice Administrator (VPA) technology comes in. The VPA is the central thread that binds all of our services together and keeps your practice running at maximal performance. We monitor and benchmark your data in real time so we can quickly identify and address opportunities to achieve results.

Our VPA data is updated daily for our team to analyze, so you truly get actionable feedback in real time to optimize and monitor your practice’s performance.

Get rid of the guesswork. Let us keep track of your practice goals so you can get back to caring for patients.

Our VPA technology gives you exclusive access to the following:

  • Shared institutional knowledge
  • Real-time monitoring of industry KPIs
  • Dedicated practice technician
  • Daily, weekly and monthly check-ins
  • Benchmarking to MGMA, CMS and U.S. census data
  • Operational dashboards
  • Financial dashboards
  • Quality dashboards
  • Development of daily tasking notifications
  • Proactive review and coaching
  • Monthly performance reporting package with on-site meeting review
  • Online resource center
  • Sharing of best practices
  • Annual user groups and networking


Position your practice for success in a value-based world.

EHRs can serve many functions for practices, and it’s important to use your EHR data to you and your patients’ advantage.

Our industry is moving away from a model where payers reward volume toward a model where payers reward value and outcomes. Methods of evaluating value, quality, outcomes and cost are still very fragmented and inconsistent, making it even more critical for practices to have and use their EHR dashboards to track their performance.

We work with you to develop, monitor and maximize robust clinical, financial and operational dashboards to better position your practice for success in a value-based world.

Your expertise added to our solutions produces unparalleled results.

We can help with:

  • No slowdowns in patient visits
  • Single patient face sheet
  • Simple order transmission
  • Keeping current on governmental compliance (ICD-9, 10, 11)
  • Streamlined clinical workflows
  • Streamlined approaches to order transmission
  • Managing and updating quality indicators
  • Maximizing pay for performance opportunities
  • Developing new age clinical dashboards
  • Embedding drug monographs inside the EHR at the prescribing moment
  • Care collaboration
  • Population Health Management
  • Patient mining (overdue for care, chronic illness)


Rethink how robust billing can be.

Most people think of revenue cycle services as “just billing.” However, billing is just one small piece of this intricate process. Our revenue cycle services not only address the big picture but also all the small, fine details that can add up if overlooked. We offer full revenue cycle strategies that start well before a patient ever steps foot inside your office.

Many companies offer revenue cycle services. We offer oversight, expert resources and solutions that keep your revenue cycle thriving at every step. And we’re good at what we do. Our dedicated team provides trusted revenue cycle services to thousands of physicians on a daily basis. Who do you want on your team?

Don’t you deserve revenue cycle support that includes the following?

  • Executing administrative work for physicians
  • Payer rules engine
  • Pre-authorization tracking
  • Increased clean claim rates
  • Submitting secondary claims
  • Raising collections
  • Reducing accounts receivable days
  • Online scheduling
  • Patient portal and online payment
  • Patient no-show and cancellation tracking
  • Payment posting services
  • Charge capture and audit
  • Fee schedule management
  • Up-front payment support
  • Early-out payment support
  • Collection agency support
  • Real-time insurance eligibility tracking


You don’t need more consultant reports – you need AXIA solutions.

This service sets AXIA Physician Solutions apart from consulting companies. Any company can deliver an assessment of what needs to change at your practice to maximize success. Few can partner with you to make those changes happen.

You don’t have time to analyze and implement all the changes that need to happen to keep your practice running at peak performance on any given day. Our experienced team partners with you to streamline operations, optimize output and maximize success.

We don’t just recommend changes. We help make them happen.

Let us help you with optimizing your practice’s key operations, including:

  • Policy and procedures
  • Scheduling optimization
  • Best practices
  • Workflow evaluations
  • Patient administrative services
  • Medical records
  • Financial management
  • Materials management
  • Business office practices
  • Privacy and security
  • Personnel policies
  • Training
  • Education
  • Payer updates


Credentialing? We’ve got that covered, too.

Above all, AXIA recognizes that your time and resources are valuable, which is why we provide a host of additional services from credentialing, which can be time and labor intensive, to fantastic group purchasing rates.

It’s just another way we partner with you to make your job easier and more efficient so you can get back to delivering remarkable patient care.

You take care of the patient. We’ll take care of the rest, including:

  • Network managed care contracting
  • Credentialing
  • Group purchasing
  • Clinical quality consulting
  • Financial and managed care consulting
  • Educational programs
  • NCQA Physician recognition programs

Call toll-free 1-336-277-8758 or email us to get started.